Disney Magical World Wiki
06 Cinderella
Name Cinderella
Species Human
Home World Castle of Dreams
Franchise Cinderella

Cinderella is the princess of Cinderella square, Prince Charming's wife and the eponymous character from the Cinderella franchise.

Disney Magical World[]

Cinderella lives in Cinderella's World.

She first appears with Prince Charming after completing the episode "No Ball?!", riding in on a carriage, giving you an invitation to your first ball.

After completing "To The First Ball," she and Prince Charming may be visited at any time at Cinderella Castle, by speaking to the Coachman in the main square. The two appear at all 4 balls, introducing and ending each ball.

She assigns 3 episodes to the player: "Plea of the Birds," "Plea of the Squirrels," and "Precious Book."

She can be invited for a Cinderella-themed party at the café.

Disney Magical World 2[]

Since Cinderella's World does not return for Disney Magical World 2, she now can be found in Castleton.

She can be invited for a Cinderella-themed party at the café.


Cinderella has blue eyes with blonde hair which is combed into a high bun with bangs. She has a blue headband and wears light blue gloves and a frilly blue dress with fluffy curtains and sleeves.


Cinderella: Quotes and Scripts



Disney Magical World: Cinderella Photos

Disney Magical World 2: Cinderella Photos
